20th December 1834

Chonos Archipelago
The Beagle had a fair wind to the extreme Southern point where it was necessary to proceed; & when at Noon on the 20th, we bid farewell to the South & put the Ships head to the North, the wind continued fair. — From C. Tres Montes we ran pleasantly along this lofty weather-beaten coast. It is remarkable by the bold outline of the hills & the thick covering, even on the almost precipitous sides of [the] forest.

Captain Fitzroy’s Journal:
At day-light on the 20th we were off Cape Tres Montes: having a fine day and smooth water, we surveyed the coast between that promontory and San Andres Bay, but it became dark before an anchorage could be gained. Next morning we anchored in a narrow creek, close by a singular cone (1,300 feet high), an unfailing landmark. Finding it a place difficult to get out of, and not to be recommended, unless in distress, we did not stay there long, but moved to a cove at the south-west part of the bay. While under sail for this purpose, advantage was taken of an interval of moderate weather to run several miles along the coast northward, and back again.

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